The short-term low might be in, the reason is reversal of reversal of reversal: The 1/29 bar reversed the down push since 1/28, the 1/30 bar reversed the 1/29’s up bar and today’s bar reversed 1/30’s down bar. It’s rare for tomorrow to reverse today’s up bar to make a reversal of reversal of reversal of reversal, so I believe the short-term low might be in. Based on the same reason, the trading should be clear: Break above today’s bar high tomorrow is long, which may have 60% to be profitable. Double stop loss can still be used below today’s low, in case indeed a reversal of reversal of reversal of reversal, the trade automatically turns into short, which should have above 60% chances to be profitable as reversal of reversal of reversal of reversal of reversal is rarer. If you shorted breakdown after 3 touches today and unfortunately trapped, there’re 2 options, one is to stick to the original stop loss (above 1/9 high), the other is to cut loss if breaks above 1/29 high. Which way is better, I have no idea. The market is very choppy those days, so I won’t put heavy bet on either direction.


The short QQQ 4th touch breakdown still is valid.




可能短期底已经过了,理由是reversal of reversal of reversal:1/29的棒棒反转了1/28开始的下跌,1/30的棒棒又反转了1/29的上涨,今天又反转了1/30的下跌。这样,明天再反转今天的上涨,来个reversal of reversal of reversal of reversal的可能性很小,因此我认为短期底已经过了。根据这个分析,操作应该很清楚了,明天高过今天的high是long,成功的可能性有60%。可以设置double stop loss在今天的low以下,真的有reversal of reversal of reversal of reversal的话,自动转为short,成功率应该会高于60%,因为reversal of reversal of reversal of reversal of reversal的可能性更小。今天short breakdown after 3 touches的,应该不幸被套了,下面有两个选择,一个是维持原计划的stop loss (above 01/9 high),另一个是high过1/29 high就止损。哪个方法好,我不知道。最近大盘上下震荡的厉害,往任何一个方向做,都不宜重仓。


Short QQQ 4th touch breakdown继续有效。
